become member
Become a member of the Paperjam Club

Join the Paperjam Club to increase the visibility of your company and participate in exclusive training courses and events.

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The Paperjam Club is...


active members

events and training courses per year

The biggest Business Club in luxembourg

Building connections

Since 1998, the Paperjam Club bring together entrepreneurs, managers of SMEs and VSBs, major international firms and influential decision makers from the main economic sectors, including finance, technology, real estate and the professions that support them, such as communications and human resources.

Getting inspired

Every year, the Paperjam Club organises some 100 events at which every member of the Club can find inspiration, whether in the content presented on stage or through direct contact with the heads of more than 1,600 member companies.

Partnering up

Being an event partner of Paperjam Club allow companies to promote their business, expertise and brands to highly qualified adiences, before, during and after an event.


The Paperjam Club is also an Academy – a state-approved training centre – that offers more than 200 training courses per year, including hard and soft skills trainings, advanced courses and other workshops.

Raising awareness, communicating

Develop your brand image via the Paperjam ecosystem et take advantage of a Welcome Interview, a Carte blanche, e-news publications, press releases. Increase your visibility via the Business Guide and recruit your future talents by publishing your job offers on Paperjam+Delano Jobs.

The Paperjam Club is open to all companies and organisations based in or related to Luxembourg, irrespective of their business activity or company size.



Le Paperjam Club est ouvert à toutes les entreprises et institutions luxembourgeoises, ou en rapport avec le Luxembourg, quels que soient leur secteur d’activités et leur taille.

Round-table discussions and keynotes

Avec les journalistes des rédactions, en lien avec le contenu publié par Paperjam, le Paperjam Club propose une série de conférences sur les enjeux business.

Shows & Awards

Des awards nights prestigieuses, des cérémonies qui célèbrent les idées, les équipes et les personnes.

CEOs- & Entrepreneurs-Only Cocktails

Deux fois par saison, les CEOs- and Entrepreneurs-Only Cocktails réunissent les principaux dirigeants et créateurs d’entreprise du pays.


Cocktails, breakfasts, lunchs, soirées ou dégustations.. 70 rendez-vous pour développer votre réseau dans des cadres inattendus et conviviaux.